Monday, February 27, 2012

The stop sign is up. Too little too late?

Monday February 27 the following email was sent from a resident of Summerlake at 12:54pm;

Good news, a stop sign is now up!!!!!

At 2:34pm Mayor Rachford finally decided to send an email to the group.

Dear Summerlake residents, city council members, etc,

I am pleased to report that a stop sign was installed on the Dollar General parking lot early this morning.  This should alleviate any concerns for safety issues for customers leaving the store.  The retaining wall will be finished soon.  The lighting situation has been corrected.

The Dollar General folks have been easy to work with on every issue and I am confident they will continue to be good corporate citizens for our community.

Thank you,
Bill Rachford       

-Did he apologize for not letting residents have their say at the planning and zoning meeting? NO
-Did he say that he would fix the way things were done so future residents wouldn't have to face the issues that we did?  NO
-Did he give any good reasons for not being a good leader during this whole process?  NO
-Did he thank anyone for their involvement in their community and for keeping the city up to date on issues that needed to be addressed?  NO
-Did he thank the residents of Summerlake for being as patient as we were with this process?  NO
-Did he apologize for the blatant arrogance and complete lack of concern the police chief showed in his email response that it wasn't the city's problem?  NO
-Did he thank Dollar General for being good corporate citizens?  YES

Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

If the mayor was looking forward to all kinds of heart-felt thank you's from the residents of Summerlake for getting a stop sign put in place, he was sadly mistaken.  As a matter of fact, as of 9:10pm on Monday night, no one had even responded to the mayor.  Why?  Too little to late if you ask me.  You can't screw something up from the get go and then try to be the hero and get everyone to love you just because you accomplished something that should have been done before the store opened.  

Mr Mayor, you still have a little over two years left in office, I can only hope that you will learn from these experiences and become a better leader for this community.  Otherwise, it is going to be a very long two years.


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