Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My response to Mrs Hofstetter and disapproval of the P&Z system and Mayor Rachford's job performance

This is my email response sent to Carol Hofstetter, Mayor Rachford, city council members Dave Hart and Barbara Weber, as well as P&Z chairman John Jewell and Alexandria Recorder reporter Chris Mayhew.   This email was sent at 8:26pm on Tuesday February 21, 2012.  See the previous post for the email from Mrs Hofstetter that this was in response to.


Thank you for your hard work on this matter.

But I still have concerns.  I will address my concerns by number corresponding with the number in your email.

1.  Yes the building is completely bricked now, but the fact remains the business was opened all day Saturday and Sunday without the brick being done.   A.  How did that happen?  B.  Will the city work on ways to keep that from happening again on future new construction projects?  C.  Since the business was opened without outside construction being complete were they in violation of any statues at that time, and does the city have any recourse for those violations now?  D.  I realize now that the state of Kentucky has to issue the certificate of occupancy for the building.  Was the certificate of occupancy signed on or before Saturday?  If so can you please tell me where can I find out who it was that signed it so I can send them my complaint?

2.  I understand that one of the lights did not have a proper cover on it, and it has not been turned back on since the problem was "brought to light" (sorry bad pun.)  But the light shining on the 1st residence, specifically 1068 Summerlake Drive, that was pictured in the email was not from the back light, but instead from the 3 lights in front of the store.  Someone needs to stop out after dark and look at just how lit up the first house is from these lights.  The front lights shine over top of the store and directly on to the house, this is unacceptable and needs to be fixed ASAP.

3.  I don't understand how they can say they need to wait for warmer weather for the fence to be put up.  I understand the shrubs and trees, but they should be forced to put the fence up by the end of next week.

4.  What is the time frame that is reasonable for them to have the dumpster completely enclosed?

I do not have any issues with the other statements.

Whats done is done, and we must go forward and not dwell in the past.  But one of my main concerns from the onset of this Dollar General fiasco has been for the future residents of Alexandria, and how to keep them from dealing with some of the issues that we have faced.  I can only hope that everyone involved has learned valuable lessons from this and that those lessons will move forward to prevent issues in the future.  Particularly, the city of Alexandria's Planning and Zoning commission under the direction of John Jewell is in need of a major overhaul.  Doing things solely because "that's the way they have always been done" shouldn't happen any longer.  When we requested the plans for the Dollar General store before the final P&Z meeting we were denied access to them because they weren't public record.  But they don't become public record until after they are approved.  How can a resident look over any plans and ask questions that might be overlooked by the P&Z board, if they can't even see the plans.  Residents MUST be allowed in the future to address the P&Z board with specific questions pertaining directly to the proposed development.  Not allowing residents to speak is undemocratic and not in the best interest of anyone.  I agree with Mr Jewell that a large amount of people standing up and addressing the P&Z board and telling them that they don't want a particular development in their back yard based only on the fact that they don't want it there would do no good at all.  But I strongly disagree that legitimate questions not be allowed.  The P&Z board is not perfect and should be allowed to hear input from the residents that actually live around a development that may be able to give some information not previously known.  I have thought a great deal about ways to improve the P&Z commercial development procedure that would not only allow the residents to ask questions, but still move things along in a timely manner.  I strongly encourage Mr Jewell or any member of city council or the P& Z board to contact me to discuss this matter in greater detail.  

One last thing, has the Mayor been involved at all with the issues I addressed in my Sunday evening email?  We are now approaching 48 hours since the initial email was sent and he hasn't bothered to so much as acknowledge receiving it.  For the record I find that an insult and a reflection on him that he is not properly doing the job he was elected to do.   Communication with the mayor cannot be limited to the 1st Saturday of the month between 10am and 12pm and city council meetings twice a month.  With a city of over 8,000 residents the lines of communication must be opened 365 days a year. 

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response on my questions 1-4.

Andy Schabell
1176 Summerlake Drive
Alexandria, KY

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