Monday, September 19, 2011

Below are emails sent to all members of Alexandria City Council and Mayor Rachford concerning the proposed site of the store.


dateMon, Sep 19, 2011 at 10:18 PM
subjectPlanning and Zoning Meeting Tuesday August 20 7pm

Hello members of City Council and Mayor Rachford, I would like to formally invite you to attend the planning and zoning meeting scheduled for tomorrow night at 7pm regarding the proposed Dollar General Store at the intersection of US27 and Summerlake Drive.  Please come and voice your opposition to the store. 

I must also say, that with the exception of Ms. Weber and Ms. Hofstetter who have been very good about communication, I am very disappointed in the lack of response from all other members of city council and the Mayor to the emails that I have sent.  I am hoping for a show of support from the council and the mayor at this meeting.  We are expecting a large crowd and hopefully several news and media outlets.  I have been in conversations with Mrs Tricia Macke from Fox 19 who said they will have a reporter present, and Chris Mayhew from the Alexandria Recorder who will be present as well.

Below is an email I sent to Chief Ward regarding the safety concerns at the store's proposed location. 

Please help us keep our community safe and beautiful.

Thank you,

Andy Schabell

Hello Chief Ward, I spoke with you at the August coffee with the mayor meeting regarding the proposed Dolllar General store at the intersection of US27 and Summerlake Drive in Alexandria.  From speaking with you I gathered that it is your duty as chief to investigate any potential traffic issues concerning all new buildings in Alexandria.  I have not had the opportunity to speak with you since our initial meeting and I am curious what you found. 

Ms. Hofstetter emailed myself and other concerned residents of the subdivision on Friday to let us know that the proposal for this store would be going in front of the Planning and Zoning board this Tuesday August 20th at 7pm. 

We have passed out flyers and spoke with many residents of the subdivision regarding the proposed store.  The overwhelming majority think that the store is going to present safety issues not only getting in and out of our subdivision, but also from increased traffic going past the store and "exploring" our subdivision.  I know that the police department has in the past received calls from residents concerned about speeding in our subdivision.  It is our position that increased traffic in and around our subdivision will lead to more instances of speeding. 

My sister just started driving this year and attends Bishop Brossart High School with your daughter.  She watches my children ages 10 and 4 after school 3 days a week while my wife and I are working.  It is already hard enough for her to get in and out of our subdivision safely without the added traffic that a Dollar General will bring.  If this store goes in, I will no longer be comfortable with her driving my children to our house.  If you lived in our subdivision I believe you would be very apprehensive of your daughter driving through all of the traffic that the store will create.  If there was a separate entrance to the store other than Summerlake's ONLY entrance, it would not be a big deal.  But from my conversations with Mr Jewell of the P&Z board, another entrance from US27 will not be allowed by the state of Kentucky.

Please consider this safety factor as if your own family resided in our subdivision, and please attend the meeting tomorrow night to voice your objection of this proposed store.

Thank you for your time,

And Schabell

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